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Intelligent capping and screwing doublet
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Intelligent capping and screwing doublet

Intelligent capping and screwing doublet

【Product list】Intelligent capping and screwing doublet  【Hits】   【Date】2017-09-05

Free consultation hotline:400-670-0048
TEL.: +86-536-3263608 3209076
Fax: +86-536-3263498 3209076
Sales Director: +86-13506476150  Liu Shuzhen
Technology consulting: +86-13792698821  Manager Liu
Sales live broadcasting: +86-536-3263608
Product Description

This machine is applicable to the bottle with twist-off aluminum theft-proofing cap seal. 

◎ Sealing knife is made from special materials through the strict heat treatment process, which is high in strength, resistant to wear and long in service life. Milled head adopts the four-wheel horizontal pendulum working principle, and is adjusted simply and conveniently. Edge of rolling line is sealed automatically, with even texture. The appearance is smooth without wrinkling, and the sealing effect is good. 

◎ The plug-bottle star wheel, the guide-bottle plate and the feeding-bottle screw with rapid structure may achieve the rapid plug-in which is convenient and simple, the bottle mouth is set with an automatic positioning device which avoids many adverse effects like reversal, blocking, inaccuracy of positioning of bottle mouth, etc. 

◎ Center spacing of milled head is just right, which reduces the centrifugal force phenomenon in normal work. The surface of guideway is intensified and closely matches with rolling bearing, which reduces the work pulse, so that equipment has no vibration impulse at high speed and works more stably. 

◎ Both power system and thumbwheel are equipped with buffer overload protection device and the startup position is equipped with the flexible elements for absorption, stable and soft. When accident happens, overload device immediately powers off, and equipment shut down automatically to guarantee safety of people and machine 

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