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It is very important to maintain white spirit filling machine

DATE:2017-06-16 11:00:13   HITS:

It is very important to maintain white spirit filling machine because the filling machine is automatic machine and requires uniform zip-top can, bottle mat and bottle cap dimension. Rotate machine with jiggle bar before startup to observe whether it rotates abnormally, and then start the machine after normal rotation. Tools shall be used properly in adjustment of machine. It is strictly prohibit to disassemble parts with oversize tools or excessive force in order to damage parts or influence machine's performance. 

After adjustment of machine, the loose screw must be tightened, and machine is rotated with jiggle bar to observe whether its motion conforms to requirements, then the machine can be started. Machine must keep clean and no oil dirt, medicinal liquid or glass chippings are allowed on the machine to avoid damage and corrosion of machine. So it is necessary to promptly eliminate medicinal liquid or glass chippings in the production process of machine. Each part of the machine shall be cleaned before shift handover, and clean lubricating oil is added to all active parts. White spirit filling machine shall be thoroughly rinsed once a week due to great corrosion, and the parts which aren't easily cleaned in daily life shall be wiped or blown off with compressed air. 

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